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Practicing your faith will produce fruit

by Mike Vandermause on January 29, 2015

Following an A to Z list of faith-based action steps won't guarantee happiness. But if you don’t get started practicing your faith, you likely won’t bear fruit in your life. Pastor Troy Murphy encouraged listeners at services on Sunday, Jan. 25, to get off the couch and take action regarding spiritual matters. Here is a continuation of Troy’s walk through the alphabet as part of that spiritual journey:
K = Keep (1 John 2:4-6)
We are called to keep the word of God in our hearts and not put it on a shelf. We need to store God’s word in our lives and know it. If we say we know God, we prove it by keeping his commandments.
L = Love (Matthew 5: 43-44)
It’s easy to love people that love you back. But we are also called to love people that wrong us, that even hate us. Someone that has a Godly view of the world learns to love people that are treating them poorly. We cant wait for God to inspire us to love others. Our faith requires that we begin practicing love.
M = Meditate (Psalm 119: 4,11)
Over time God will reveal truth if you meditate on His word. The Bible will speak to you. It’s not a one-time read. You need to take time to sit in the word and drink in its truth.
N = Name (Psalm 22: 22)
The people of God that love Him practice naming him  they are not ashamed in culture to give Him credit.  To name him means to not be ashamed. But it also means you are not trying to shame people and beat them over the head with Bible verses. Our love for Jesus should be evident, and out of that will flow compassion for others, not indifference. 
O = Obey (1 John 2:5)
To follow God’s commandments doesn’t mean we have to enjoy it or know all the answers. If you are obedient God will produce transformation in you. This is not a quick fix. We will see fruit in time. At first, many of the things that God calls us to practice hurt, similar to going to the gym to work out. You feel pain, but you know that continually practicing obedience will eventually produce something in you.