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Teaching takeaways from Troy's message on the bleeding woman

by Mike Vandermause on February 09, 2016

Pastor Troy examined the story of the bleeding woman in Mark 5: 25-34 during his message on Sunday, February 7. Read that passage and answer the following questions:

1-Jesus was interrupted by the bleeding woman, yet used it as an opportunity for ministry. Troy said the spirit of God can often show up as a divine interruption. Do you view interruptions in your life as an inconvenience, or as an opportunity? Give an example when you were interrupted and used it to minister to someone.

2-The bleeding woman endured 12 years of pain and suffering. How do you deal with extended periods of time when something you have been praying for or longing for doesn’t happen? What would help you live according to God’s timetable and not your own?

3-Talk about a time in your life when you had to deal with guilt and shame. Are you more prone to internalize it, or turn to Jesus and let him free you from its burdens?

4-When was the last time you heard a voice, either from the outside world or internally, that said: 'Am I good enough?' How do you respond when you have doubts about your self-worth?

5-The bleeding woman had to step outside her comfort zone to approach Jesus. How can you move beyond what’s comfortable in your life and step out in faith?

6-Jesus is waiting for you to take the next step in your spiritual journey. What is that next step for you, and how will you make sure you take it?